Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fun With My Brother

Do you ever get to just "hang" with your sibling?

Forty miles separate Scott, my little brother, and I. Since he's hopped back into the oilpatch, we get to see each other more (his office is in Midland), and talk way more frequently. It is fun, I tell you, (even when I blow up his Kawasaki Mule), fun!

Last week, I called him to see if he was available for lunch, and he was. We met, sat down to visit, and, BAM...one of my friends taps me on the shoulder. He and his business partner sit down and join us. We all visited. It was still a fun time, and we just rolled with it, traded customer info, and sales tips. We all learn from times like those, so the time wasn't wasted.

Scott had to go out in the field, and I was nosy enough to ask where, and who it was he was going to visit. (Big Sisters have rights, you know.) Turns out it was a customer I was wanting to meet, so we teamed up and went out there to location. It was really fun going on a sales call together, but most of all, it was great just hanging with my brother.

One of those little "special" times. Love ya, Scott!! Thanks for letting me tag along.


Coffee with Cathy said...

It's great when siblings can grow up to be friends. Good for you!

LadyFi said...

Aw - how I wish I could just hang with my brother and sisters.. but we live in different countries.

Unknown said...

awww what a special day-I wish my sisters and i lived closer

Jenni said...

That is so nice!

La Belette Rouge said...

Lucky you! It must be lovely to have sibs. It is so great you two have stayed close.

scotte said...

I was glad to do it. It was cool to team up on a client with you. Hope it means some business for us both. Dang $60 a barrel oil. I love you more.

Jeanne Estridge said...

My brother lives 8 hours away -- and I miss him!