ThatManILove is missing out on all the fun stuff. Earlier this year, we, along with another local family, pooled together and bought a pheasant/chukkar hunt at a Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation fundraiser. The hunt was at the Santa Anna Hunting Area, which is one of the premier bird hunting places in Texas.
And yesterday, we went on the hunt. One of my customers, Dave, took MLH’s place. Our family friends (dad, mom, son and daughter) went with us, and we had a good time hunting together. There was much excitement, laughing, and encouragement.
I think we walked 10 miles, over stubble and high grass, hunting those pheasant and chukkar. I am a very, very tired girl. Gerry and Eldena Sterns, the owners of Santa Anna Hunting Area, will spoil you rotten on one of these hunts. Gerry takes you out with his dogs, and the hunters fan out across the field and walk in a line across the field. The dogs are working to the hunter’s right and left, and when one goes on point, the others all go to back him up. It was so much fun. These dogs were amazing – brittanys, pointers, and even a French spaniel. And you can tell these dogs love their owner! The shooter guns the bird, and then the dogs retrieve it, and Gerry carries all the birds. Some of the best hunting in the world. The birds are beautiful, and there were some black pheasants out in the field. They're really show-stoppers, big beautiful showy birds.
After the hunt, we returned to the main facility. The Stearns grandkids were there, and had our birds cleaned, bagged, and in a cooler in no time. Here they are: Hunter, Cheyenne, and the tiny one, “Tay-wah” (Taylor). Beautiful, sweet young people. Eager to please, and very personable.
Taylor stole all our hearts, she’s a sweetie, and will tell you in no uncertain terms she’s too “wittle” to hunt, but she’d love for you to stay and “pway” with her! And…she’s a camera ham. Can you tell?

This is Gerry Stearns with his granddaughters Cheyenne and Taylor. You can tell they're all the best of friends!
Here’s a pix of all of the hunters. I’m the chunky monkey in the bright orange. And the wind was blowing so hard my hair was screaming, but Lordy, we had a great time!
Here are some pix I caught of rooster pheasants fighting and bowing up to each other. They jump up in the air and fight with their claws. It's almost dark, and I didn't have my big flash with me, but if you click on pix, you can see the vibrant colors of their feathers. I can't believe we got this close to them. (No, we didn't shoot them.) Aren’t they beautiful?
See how they puff up their feathers? Just like some men I know! Oh wait...men don't have feathers!

So…if you’re wondering what to get the hunter in your life, call the Stearns – buy a hunt. Your hunter will love you forever.
Or, heck. Forget that! Just buy me one!
And yesterday, we went on the hunt. One of my customers, Dave, took MLH’s place. Our family friends (dad, mom, son and daughter) went with us, and we had a good time hunting together. There was much excitement, laughing, and encouragement.
I think we walked 10 miles, over stubble and high grass, hunting those pheasant and chukkar. I am a very, very tired girl. Gerry and Eldena Sterns, the owners of Santa Anna Hunting Area, will spoil you rotten on one of these hunts. Gerry takes you out with his dogs, and the hunters fan out across the field and walk in a line across the field. The dogs are working to the hunter’s right and left, and when one goes on point, the others all go to back him up. It was so much fun. These dogs were amazing – brittanys, pointers, and even a French spaniel. And you can tell these dogs love their owner! The shooter guns the bird, and then the dogs retrieve it, and Gerry carries all the birds. Some of the best hunting in the world. The birds are beautiful, and there were some black pheasants out in the field. They're really show-stoppers, big beautiful showy birds.
After the hunt, we returned to the main facility. The Stearns grandkids were there, and had our birds cleaned, bagged, and in a cooler in no time. Here they are: Hunter, Cheyenne, and the tiny one, “Tay-wah” (Taylor). Beautiful, sweet young people. Eager to please, and very personable.

This is Gerry Stearns with his granddaughters Cheyenne and Taylor. You can tell they're all the best of friends!

So…if you’re wondering what to get the hunter in your life, call the Stearns – buy a hunt. Your hunter will love you forever.
Or, heck. Forget that! Just buy me one!
On another note entirely - does anyone else love the Chelsea Lately show as much as I do??
When I lived in Utah...we had alfalfa and cow pasture behind our house. We used to sit on the deck and watch the pheasants all the time...they are beautiful birds. And yes...I think Chelsea is totally funny!
I'm not the pheasant plucker I'm the pheasant plucker's son,
I'll be here flucking peasants til the pheasant plucker comes.
Or something.
Nikkicrumpet - they're gorgeous, aren't they? I'm so glad someone else likes Chelsea!
Braja - I knew I shouldn't be drinking freakin' Dr. Pepper this late at night! You crack me up!
Spraying Dr. Pepper hurts my nose.
Those pics are incredible! You are SOME kind of woman!!
VodkaMom - thanks so much!
Sounds fun :) and I've got a question.
What do you mean saying "buy a hunt"? Does it mean to buy several hours of hunting or a certain number of birds to kill?
Sunny - it's a little of both,obviously, but mostly, you buy an afternoon of hunting. It is a lot of fun, and a good way to keep your dogs on birds.
I see, thanks. It's just here "to buy a hunt" means "you can kill 3 birds", the fourth one costs more, the fifth costs much more etc
Oh! I get what you're asking. The answer is yes.
They have huge fly pens, so the birds are very wild (as opposed to some I've seen.) They do put out like 3 pheasant and 10 chukar for each person, but I promise, it's heck to find them in that tall grass.
And then, there are the residual birds who were left over from the last yahoo who couldn't shoot. Oh, wait! I'm talking about myself!
Have you ever seen a pheasant run? Like the WIND, I tell you.
yes, I saw its run once and was amazed.
Chelsea is hilarious! And save me some of those feathers!!! Hope to hear from you this week. I am going to be trying to cram all my visits into one day so I can clean and cook. Family coming in Thursday night...arrrrgh
Fantastic photos. Those kids look like they belong in Ralph Lauren or Jcrew ads.
I'm not big on the hunting, but I do love me some Chelsea Lately. She and the panel are freaking hilarious. Unfortunately she is on so late I miss her a LOT! I'm old, what can I say.
Oh Wow! We haven't been pheasant & chukkers hunting in years. When we had our two Brittanys, we hunted A LOT. Pheasants are swift, aren't they? Sounds like you all had a great time.
See you at lunch girlfriend!
hey janie, i am not much of a hunter, but i love your blog! I concur with you about crapinental and look forward to reading the rest of your hilarious writing! thanks for dropping by mine :-) See ya in the IAH basement!
I'm speechless, which is probably good for once. I thought Chukkas were boots. Cute Kiddos.
Hey! Saw you follow my blog and came over to say hello. I know it may appear that because I have so few followers that the MINUTE I get a new one I rush right over to start stalking--but it really isn't so.
I have no clue about the hunting/shooting thing but my hubby grew up in Utah and every year the whole family gathers for a pheasant hunt. And if you read back on my blog a little--I have recently discovered that I have entire arsenal in my house--so maybe you will inspire me to get into this whole thing!
And Braja--made me spew--way too funny--I am glad you found me and I found you back!! You have a wickeddry sense of humor!
Looks like you guys had a good time!
How wonderful :) ♥ Hugs!
That looks like so much fun! Oh, I am also in love with Chelsea Lately! That so is freaking hilarious!!! If you like her show you will love her books, I could not put them down and laughed out loud the whole time. And if you like her, try reading anything by Jen Lancaster. You will find yourself crying because you are laughing so hard. I recommend starting with Bitter Is The New Black.
Jill - I think I'll be coming in tomorrow afternoon. I'll call ya.
Belette - they're beautiful, I tell ya!
Soxy - I have awakened the man laughing, I love me some Chelsea!
Snooty - Lunch was FUN FUN FUN!
SSP - we gotta coordinate, if you're going to be there!! Welcome to the craziness!
Ann - Chukkas are boots. Chukars make you run through your boots!
Lisa - Braja is too funny! Welcome, and stalk all you want! I'll go back and read your blog and find the story you mentioned.
Karly - we did!
Trying to Stay Calm - hugs right back at ya!!!
Samilf - thanks for the tip! I'll get them TODAY...always looking for good reads! Thanks for coming by!
Love Love Love Pheasant. My little English Cocker pup would love to hunt with you all!!!
Happy Monday
- Jennifer
I didn't know you're a hunter? What else do you hunt?
Few things are tastier than fried pheasant. We have a ton up north of me, but I haven't gotten to go hunt any yet this year.
Jennifer - I love English Cockers! one of my friends out here has 9 of them, and some of them are champions!
Yeti - mostly birds, but I've been known to hunt silly wabbits, coyotes, and I've been on a deer hunt or two (but haven't shot a deer...yet)!
Travis - that sounds good right about now! Thanks for flinging that cravin' on me! Stay warm up there!
I have the concentration of a 5 year old with ADD so I'd probably lose concentration and shoot somebody in the butt! Also, I'd probably end up piling all the dogs, birds and children into a truck and take them out for dinner!
Sounds like a great time was had by all though!
Hey Janie :)
My son would love to learn to hunt - only my husband and I have no clue. He loves to watch Kentucky Afield every Sunday afternoon. He has recently mentioned he wants to be a photographer and take pictures of animals and birds.
Simplicity - you'd do fine, I promise.
Braja - I'm just waiting, girl!
Anne - a hunter is born! See if you have a 4H club in your area that does shooting sports? That's a great way to get him started.
You do it the hard way. The last time I had pheasant, my neighbor arrived home with one spread eagled on his truck grill.
Seriously -- we cleaned it, plucked it and had it the next night.
(I might add that was the only time I've eaten road kill...)
Thanks for that tip! I know there is one near but I didn't know that was a good place to start.
Great pics. All my husband wants to hunt is Vodka and Rock n Roll. Know where they have any of those hunts?
Oh those Birds are beautiful..but I bet they were yummy too! We have a few here in Minnesota, I am never quick enough with the blankety, blank camera to get a good shot of one! I bet it was fun to watch the dogs work! :)
My husband loves pheasant hunting.... I'm not so into eating them, though, which has been a problem.
I LOVE Chelsea Handler's show!!! Read her book "Are you there, Vodka? It's me, Chelsea." Soooooo funny!
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