And here are Younger Son (in the forefront) and Elder Son, enjoying the sights as we clip along the bay.

In 1881 the Annual Report of the U.S. Life Saving Service reported that the highest medal awarded by the Life Saving Service had been presented to Mrs. Ida Lewis-Wilson. Ida's last recorded rescue occurred when she was 63 years old. A close friend, rowing out to the lighthouse, stood up in her boat, lost her balance and fell overboard. Ida, with all the vigor of her past youth, launched a lifeboat and hauled the woman aboard. Amazing stuff has happened in this Newport bay. Here's a picture of the flag at the lighthouse. The stars on it reflect the number of lives saved by Ida Lewis-Wilson.
This house was built in Brenton Cove for Stuart Duncan, a Midwest banker whose family imported Lea & Perrins. As you'll see, each chimney is different, but they all resemble Lea and Perrins Worcestershire tops. Interesting!
We enjoyed the remains of The Robert H. Tiedemann Classic Yachting Weekend, which included a regatta of older wooden sailing craft. Here are pictures of some of them, coming home from the race.

This is the Tree of Life boat - it's world-renown, and has sailed around the world, and has only had two owners. It is a beautiful boat, and we were fortunate to even get to see it. It's for sale, and you can buy it right now. If you do, let me know. Maybe they'll pay me a finder's fee.
We had a great day - it was beautiful, peaceful, and fun. I'd do it again in a Newport minute.

It was a really peaceful, great day. Some people even tried to take a nap.
Ed let Elder Son sail the boat…and Elder Son has now found yet another love. He’s a guitar slinging, song singing, team roping, oilfield working, newfound lover of the sea, sailor.
And the sailors of the day – Elder Son, and Doug, and MLH. 
Younger Son kind of checked out. Went up to the nose of the boat and laid out, groovin’ to Bob Marley a la iPod and chillin'. What a cool kid.

Younger Son kind of checked out. Went up to the nose of the boat and laid out, groovin’ to Bob Marley a la iPod and chillin'. What a cool kid.

We learned about Ida Lewis-Wilson, the famous lady lighthouse keeper of the Lime Rock Lighthouse. She is credited with saving some 18 lives, but unofficial reports say as many as 25 lives. After reaching some measure of fame for her heroic act, she was subsequently visited by President Ulysses S. Grant, who wanted to meet the brave lady.

We're almost finished with this great journey - time to plan another. Thanks for bearing with me on my photo journal of our vacation! I'll be posting again soon.
Looks like you are having an awesome time with plenty of "interesting" conversations he he he (she cackles)!
Oh, yeah, girl, we have had plenty of those!
Gorgeous boats. I like watching them in photos...I don't like the ocean...too scary for me.
brody looks like a natural sailor.
Yall have fun and be careful!
Can't let Michael see these pics-he'll buy another sailboat! Looks and sounds like you had a great trip. So glad for you all. Looking forward to the picture parade! Let us hear from you.
What a trip! What a trip! You did a fabulous job of posting.
Enjoyed the trip through your entries...
Lynellen - it was totally beautiful.
Scott - kinda like his mom, huh?
Pam - want to go in together on one? Naaaaaaah. We don't have enough water in West Texas.
In_spired - it was a great trip, to be sure.
You've blown it now. That is addicting....
What a gorgeous way to spend the day. That is one of my ideas of heaven.
We have got to have you and your family out sailing someday. :-) That looks like a wonderful, relaxing day on the sea!
Chris - I know. We are soooo very busted.
Thisisme - I agree.
Gwynne - On behalf of MLH, we graciously accept. (And we love the northwest.)
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