This weekend, Jimmy the P from the blog Sticky Doorknobs will be blogging for Fair Havens and has asked me to join him for an hour of blogging and help him raise money. What is Midland Fair Havens , you ask? The following is an excerpt from their information sheet at their website.
"The Apostle Paul took temporary shelter at a place named Fair Havens when he was faced with adverse conditions while traveling to Rome (Acts 27:8). The harbor at Fair Havens provided sanctuary for Paul as he prepared for the rest of his journey. In a similar way, Midland Fair Havens serves as a place of refuge and restoration for single mothers as they prepare to make a better life for themselves and their children.
The mission of Midland Fair Havens is to equip single mothers and their children for self-sufficient living by addressing their educational, vocational, spiritual, and emotional needs in residential and non-residential settings."
I personally know many of the board at Midland Fair Havens, and also know some of the house parents. They’re all good people, giving their time and support to help these mothers get on their feet. On top of that, I was a single mom - and I wish this facility had been available then. I totally believe in this cause. Midland Fair Havens is a cause worthy of our support. You can come join us online, or physically, we'll up on the scissorlift at the HEB Grocery Store parking lot by the Starbucks...in most likely 108 degree heat. (Y'all already knew I was crazy!)
Ah, well, it's for a good cause!
Due to other commitments, I won’t be able to join Jimmy’s Blogging For Fair Havens blogfest until Saturday evening, but I was wondering…will y’all support me? It's as easy as donating some funds to Fair Havens by clicking on the link, or mailing a check!
If you're going to mail a check, here's the address:
Midland Fair Havens
2400 Whitmire Blvd, Suite 100
Midland, Texas 79705
So, blogfriends, best buddies, pals, can I count on you?
Janie--I was a single MOM for 13 years.....what a great idea!!!!Count me in!
Sure thing :)
Don't forget to remind us, though ;-)
Janie, this is my favorite charity here and I've given substantial amounts of money to them, although I'll always be happy to give more.
The year my daughter was a Deb all the Moms decided that rather than pool our money to buy more gifts for the girls, we would donate our money instead. There were 12 Debs that year, so it was a very large donation. I've been giving to them ever since.
We'd had several charities in mind but as soon as we saw the tape on Fair Havens, there wasn't a dry eye in the room and our decision was immediately unanimous. What they help women do is learn how to be independent, learn a skill, get them & their kids off the street, and give them a fresh start on life. It's a truly wonderful program that has amazing positive results.
So, count me in for a donation. Just be sure to remind me so I don't forget. Because I do forget.
How cool!!!
Darn it - I will be out of town in the wilds of the canyon with no technology other than a battery operated lantern or two. But I wish you good, good luck!
Janie, glad to see you join ing ... it's a great odea, and I know My Favorite Landman and I will be happy to support.
I wish I lived there because as an unemployed single mother I could sure use some of that kind of support. Actually, I've never gotten any sort of support, apparently since I don't look like a hobo no one thinks I'm down and out...but thats Ok, I will figure it out and land on my feet and then I'll be able to help other single mothers that were in my position
Terri - wow! Thanks so much!
Chatelaine - what, me forget? It could happen - thanks for supporting me!! I'm overwhelmed, really!
Snooty - wow, how great! That was an awesome idea, to donate that money to Fairhavens for the Debs. Thanks for your support - if you're in town, come by - heck, maybe we can finally meet!
Spooky - girl, you can give prior to going camping, just by going to the link! I'll miss you! Have fun, girl, I'm expecting good stories from you!
Jeff - I'm honored that you and YFL will support the Blogathon. It's a great idea and thanks to Eric and Jimmy for ever kicking it off.
Doozie - I know, girlfriend. I think of you often...it is never easy for a single mom, yet you keep on keeping on! I'm proud of you, and Walter. He's a cool kid, and that's all about you.
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