Do you get spam on your e-mail accounts? We utilize Yahoo, and Lord have mercy. You'd think that Yahoo would have some way of stopping this stuff. By the way, we do not go to porn sites, or visit any sites like are in any way related. These are some of the subject titles of the spam e-mail we’ve been getting lately. We do not open, just hit delete, but the titles always inspire some smart-alec response (who'da thunk it?) from me. And ThatManILove thinks I'm funny. Who knows? Maybe you will, too.
Have you changed your number? (No. But I’m not giving it to you!)
Posh up and look better! (What – you don’t think I’m posh enough?)
Answer you phone when I ring! (Only if I ken larn you some Ang-lish!)
She moaned when I saw how large I was. (When I look at myself in the mirror, I moan, too.)
Lowered prices for prestigious items. (Well, heck. We’re in a recession – prices should be lower.)
We need your presence. (Dude. Sometimes I need my presence as well.)
Perfectly Crafted Accessories. (Care to elaborate?)
Can’t find you, darling. (I don’t hang out in my virtual mailbox, stupid!)
Don’t disappear now! (I wish I could.)
Unwind your massive python. (We only have rattlesnakes in West Texas. And bull snakes. And I’m not unwinding either of them. You probably shouldn't, either.)
I lost your cell phone number. (That’s probably a good thing.)
Endorsed by men’s magazines. (Seriously? Which ones?)
Give her a mind blowing climax. (Ummmm….I don’t swing that way.)
Small tool is for peeing, big tool is for more serious things. (What were they thinking? Home Depot?)
Why did you leave me? (Because you couldn’t keep your mind out of the gutter?)
This mail is refused message. (Then why did you send it to me again?)
So huge I thought it was a python. (But you were looking in the 7X mirror at the carnival, right?)
We seek for you all the day. (Get some better glasses is all I have to say.)
You probably gave wrong number. (After all this, wouldn’t you?)
Deeper harder thicker. ( Yeah. You are talking about granite countertops, right?)
I need you urgently. (Gonna have to wait in line, homie.)
Don’t go home now. (I have to go home – ThatManILove wants to take me to dinner!)
Can’t you answer when I call? (Not really. Besides, you told me you lost my cell number, remember?)
Make yourself. (Make me! (Oh, wait. That’s not what I meant.))
Growth is so simple with this. (Like I need any freakin’ help in the growth department.)
Arrrgh. These people really need to get a life. Or Yahoo needs to get a better spam filter.