Saturday, November 8, 2008

Three More Weeks

Three. More. Weeks.

What, you say?

Three. More. Weeks.

I just found out ThatManILove will be staying in the Pa. Three. More. Weeks. Which, when finished, will add up to the fact that he’s been gone three months. One fourth of the year. That is CRAZY. I know, I shouldn’t whine – he’s alive, he’s well, he’s not in the military, and he’s as safe as a man can be in the oilpatch. He's got an awesome job, one he loves. He’s just miles and miles and miles away.


I can’t believe it. Almost three months he’s been gone. I’ve been extremely busy, with work, the dogs, hunting, the concert, etc. My calendar brought everything home. Next week, I have to go to Houston to attend the AADE Fin Fur Feather Food Fest. Last year, MLH was working and couldn’t attend. This year, MLH is working and can’t attend. See a pattern here? When I reminded ThatManILove that Houston was next week, I thought he was going to cry. It’s a great event, lots of important people attend, and…the food is awesome! We had definitely planned to make this year a “couple event”, just like we planned to make Santa Fe a “couple event”.

I watched “Hope Floats” yesterday…and I was reminded: my cup runneth over. I’m such a blessed woman. I have a man that loves me, sons to die for, and beautiful loving dogs, a great job and a mortgage-free house. It's all good.

I miss ThatManILove. Countdown 21 days. 504 hours to go.


Anonymous said...

Oh Janie, you've been such a trooper. Hang in there...just think about how great that homecoming will be.

Anonymous said...

Janie, you ARE a trooper! I am getting ready to be out of town for my job until January 28. BUT, I can come home on weekends. I will miss hubbie and the dogs. The upside is that I have not, in 19 years 7 1/2 months(who's counting), had Saturdays off. Hang in there--3 weeks can go fast, then it will be almost Christmas. Not that Christmas is such a good thing, to us Postal workers......

Snooty Primadona said...

Ugh! I'm so sorry to hear this latest development. When he gets back, y'all will need to take another trip together to make up for lost time, lol.

Call me and we'll try to maneuver lunch one day next week, if you'd like.

Hey, I need a reason to get dressed & out of the house these days, especially since I've been wigged out over my now deleted & most regretted blog post ever, lol. Damn! I must be human after all....

Gwynne said...

I can't believe it's "already" 3 months! So much has happened since he left (like I need to remind you of that fact). ;-)

Dennis said...

The Warden just read your blog and ask me if I could find a job like that!

Deb said...

Oh gosh...just when you thought he would be home. I'm so sorry. I hope the time goes by quickly.

Jackie said...

"Hope Floats"

Oh, my gosh! That is one movie that makes me cry every time I see it...yes...I said "every time" least half a dozen!

You've made it three can make it Three.More.Weeks!!

Have a great week, Janie...

Lone Chatelaine said...

I love Hope Floats. I remember seeing that when I lived in Dallas and my dreaded ex had just dumped me. I think it hit pretty close to home and that's why I loved it so much.

Three weeks :-(

I know it seems like forever. Is he going to miss Thanksgiving with y'all? I hope he's home in time for that. I can't imagine y'all not going out hunting and bringing home the bird together.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to mention "Hope Floats" in my first comment!

Like Lone Chatelaine, that movie really hits home for me now, too. But still...the best thing about that movie will always be Harry Connick Jr. in Wranglers, boots & cowboy hat.

Talk about making me homesick! There are definitely no men like that in Michigan.

Lone Chatelaine said...

Oh yes, Harry Connick Jr was so divine in that movie! How easy it would be to recover from a broken heart with a man like that chasing you down :)

Gretchen said...

I'm so sorry he's away. Hubby was a Marine and served in the first bush's war in Iraq. I know all too well the feeling of loneliness.

I could never do that again. I need him far too much. I always promised myself I'd never be totally dependent on any man, but life is funny. Can't imagine going through the day without him in it.

Gregory Anderson said...

Well, you know what they say.....absence makes the wife spend money.

Or, something like that.

Hang in there.

Doozie said...

Oh goodness...getting a little mushy here.

That Janie Girl said...

Hey, y'all, thanks for the encouragement!

And Doozie - I'll try not to be so mushy...but tell me, you don't like "Hope Floats"??? C'mon now, chica.

That Janie Girl said...

And Packsaddle - I've been being a VERY good girl. Moneywise, that is!;)

jill jill bo bill said...

WHAT?! that is crazy! I hope they bonus him for the meer fact you had to take out your own trash for three months. I know we won't hear from or see you for weeks when he get back! hang in there. I could never be as brave or strong as you have been.

That Janie Girl said...

Jillygirl...hopefully, you'll see us around Christmas - New Years. We always hang out in FW at the Renaissance - God willing, we'll be there!

Brave? Strong?

Let me tell you, I'm a weenie. A big, fat weenie. I promise. ;)

That Janie Girl said...

Jillygirl...hopefully, you'll see us around Christmas - New Years. We always hang out in FW at the Renaissance - God willing, we'll be there!

Brave? Strong?

Let me tell you, I'm a weenie. A big, fat weenie. I promise. ;)

Junosmom said...

Ah, yes, but you do have a man you love. there's that.

Sandy Kessler said...

it's the nearness of him- that special space- no matter how busy you are-I feel.

That Janie Girl said...

Junosmom - there is that, I agree.

Sandy - I totally agree. Can't wait to see him!

Anonymous said...

Hey mom, need a date? When is it? I'll go if I'm back from Kentucky....
