Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving - and Lots of Snow!

I’m up in snowy Pennsylvania, with John and Suzan…and today, ThatManILove rolled in to town. Finally!! It is so good to see him – I’ve missed him so much!

Tomorrow will find us eating traditional Thanksgiving dinner at Alfano's at the Quail, which used to be one of the safe houses of the Underground Railroad. I’m excited about being in a place that was used to house slaves on their way to being free. John and Suzan said it’s amazing, and they were very humbled. I’m sure we will be, as well.

Friday will find me with ThatManILove, going back to the Pennsylvania oilfield for another three days, and then we’re driving home together. I’m excited about that, too – I’ve not seen this part of our United States! It will be a good time for us to be together, debrief, and just spend time with each other.

Our sons are healthy, safe and sound. Bob and Cherie are housesitting and keeping Zanna the Wonder Pup company. Zack the Wonder Dog is at Andy’s, hunting daily and thriving. We’ll be more than ready to see all of our family, both personal and extended, by the time we get home.

Speaking of seeing family, by the time we arrive back in Midland, Younger Son will have departed the country for his second trip to Haiti in three months. He will be working in an orphanage over there, and will return right before Christmas. He has fallen in love with the kids over there, and the people. If you think about it, pray for him as he embarks on this trek.

We’ve much for which to be thankful – and thankful, we are. And I am thankful for you, my patient and enduring readers. You daily make me smile, laugh, cry, and oftentimes, spew whatever I’m drinking through my nose onto my computer screen. Stop that, you hear? My IT guy just doesn't get it, and he's getting tired of fixing my stuff!

God bless you each and every one during this holiday season.


Anonymous said...

Have a Great Thanksgiving Holiday! The Northeast is amazing, enjoy!
I will tell you a story about the rear sensor in my ML350 someday! It literally saved a life! Doesn't seem near so annoying anymore.......


Dennis said...

Diver careful on your return trip!!

I do envy your seeing the country .. but not the traffic!

Lone Chatelaine said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Janie! I love hearing that you are with your family and loved ones.

That Janie Girl said...

Terri - you, too, sweetie! I look forward to hearing your story.

KsCowboy - we will. We won't be coming back until after the 1st, so traffic will be somewhat minimalized, I hope!

Chatelaine - thanks, girl. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Karen Townsend said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Janie. Safe travels.

Jeff said...

A happy and blessed Thanksgiving to you and yours, Janie!

Ash said...

Happy, Happy Thanksgiving Janie! Travel safe.


Vodka Mom said...

Well, since you're in Pennsylvania, come on over for a drink! I'll mix up some martinis RIGHT NOW.

Kellygirl said...

Have a safe trip! I'm missing Zana the Wonder dog myself. You know we are like best friends now. We are!

Pam said...

Take care on your trip back...if you need a rest stop, you know your bedroom is available. Give John and Suzan our best! Can't wait to see you guys.

Gwynne said...

So glad you're with ThatManYouLove and enjoying a bit of a break! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

Lynellen said...

Be careful out there!

Word verification: menidle

Yes, aren't many men idle JUST when you need them to do something?!

Gregory Anderson said...

I drove all the way out here to Midland to go quail hunting today and now you tell me you're in Pennsylvania?

You owe me three tanks of gas.

Junosmom said...

Glad to hear you are with people you love. Enjoy.

That Janie Girl said...

Karen, Jeff and Eudea-Mamia - Happy Thanksgiving to y'all, too!

VodkaMom - I'll see you later this weekend, hopefully!

Pamo - John and Suzan send their love, and we may take you up on that bedroom, if we ever get headed west again!

Kellygirl - Zanna needs some Kelly loving, go by the house! Cherie is there!

Gwynne - thanks, ma'am! Have fun with your family and baby Spartacus!

Lynellen - that's funny! Happy Thanksgiving!

That Janie Girl said...

Pack - Doofus, if you'd have told me you were heading to Midland, I'd have arranged for one of my friends to take you quail hunting. It.Would.Have.Been.That.Easy.

Junosmom- it's been fun! Happy Thanksgiving, girlfriend!

Beverly said...

Karen gave me your blog address. I spent three and a half years in Haiti teaching missionary kids when I was a young thing. The country does work its way into your heart. One is never the same after experiencing it.

I'm so glad that your son has fallen in love with the kids there. They're great.

Do you have any Haitians in your area of Texas? We have lots here. We have a Haitian church that meets at our church. I love to chat with the folks when I get a chance.

I just bought a scanner to be able to put my slides on the computer. Hopefully I'll have some posts up soon. I can hardly wait to see the pictures again myself. :-)

nikkicrumpet said...

Wow...everyone is traveling and seeing exciting things...Sounds like your son has a heart of gold! And having Thanksgiving in a restaraunt sounds like such a great idea...I'm still cleaning up the mess!!!

Rae said...

Happy thanksgiving! :)

i beati said...

Sounds like a fun and educational time !!Sandy