Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - A Bidet in the Life of Mindi the Kitty


Sandy Kessler said...

Is this the cat that wandered in a couple months ago??

Lynellen said...

This looks VERY much like the cat that ran away from my parents house! His name is Shadow. What a great set of paws he has, to make it all the way to Texas for his next home!

Love the play on words.

That Janie Girl said...

Sandy - Mindi belongs to some friends of mine. Isn't she a beauty?

Lynellen - I'm pretty sure Mindi is a rescue cat, but there might be a gender issue between she and Shadow! And we all know how resourceful they are, so I wouldn't put it past a cat to travel that far...;)

Okay, this is hilarious. My own word verification was "mendi".

jill jill bo bill said...

Too funny!!! When ya gotta go, ya gotta go!!!!

That Janie Girl said...

I know, isn't she too cute!

Snooty Primadona said...

I do love cats. They're just plain funny.

Gregory Anderson said...

That's right, folks.

Janie has one of those highfalutin bidets in her bathroom.

If you ever visit Janie's estate, the bidet is located in the master bath wing, which is just to the left of the indoor swimming pool......right above the gift shop.

That Janie Girl said...

Snooty - they are funny animals.

Packsaddle - You're right. But instead of a gift shop, it's a gun shop. I always do funky stuff like this in my line shacks. Makes 'em have better resale value. You know, my house qualifys for HUD assistance, but with a touch of class.;)

Junosmom said...

that's cute! We're looking for a good name for a new kitty we have. That's a good one - Bidet. Here in KY, no one would even know what that is.

That Janie Girl said...

Junosmom - that would be hilarious!

Gretchen said...

Beyond adorable!

Jackie said...

Love the kitty in the biddy!!