Thursday, November 13, 2008

It's Me, Again!

I guess having the Zanna-monster has made me go to sleep late and waken early.

I’m in Houston – actually, the town of Humble – for an AADE Nat’l Board Meeting. And I woke up at 4:39 a.m. for no obvious reason. It’s not the bed, I’m at a Hampton and their beds rock. It’s not the DOW falling 411 points, what’s new about that?

Yup. The one day I don’t have to be at a meeting until 10 a.m., I woke up almost 6 hours too early. Oh, well. I caught up on my expense report, wrote letters to issue scholarship checks, and now I’m posting to the blog because I KNOW you just can’t wait to hear the latest episode in my life. I know you’re sitting on the edge of your chair, or your bed, or something, just waiting to hear about me.

Oh. You’re not? Well, dang. That’s a good thing, because I have absolutely nothing to say.

Nada. Zip. Zilch. The prior paragraphs are just so much drivel.

But, hey, I’m consistent.

About posting.

Or, maybe, about posting drivel.

I do have one thing in my life that is currently of interest.

Look! There’s a spot on my bed! Actually, lots of spots. And Shout won't get them out - and the Tide pen doesn't have enough white in it to do any good...

Wait for it....


Junosmom said...

Well, I did check in, proving that some people are hanging on your every word!

Pam said...

I resemble that remark highly. I do wait for your postings with baited breath! Love the turns of phrases and your life seems so much more fun than mine! Maybe I need another dog (NOT)! Hope you have a great time in Houston...come see us soon.

Lone Chatelaine said...

Aw! What a cute pic :)

Gregory Anderson said...

Yeah, I've been up since midnight waiting for an update.

What took you so long?

I don't remember giving your permission to sleep.

Oh, and that is quite possibly the most spoiled bird dog on planet Earth.

And I know you are proud of that.

Hey, have a fun trip and post some pictures of people we can make fun of.

That Janie Girl said...

Junosmom- thank you so very much for being there for me! Funny girl...

Pam - I hope to see you very very soon!

Chatelaine - thanks!

Pack - this would be a great event at which to take pictures. And do you think I brought my freakin' camera? No. Maybe my crackberry will work tonight.

amelia bedelia said...

that was funny! and you are consistant about postings, which I am not!!

Gretchen said...

What a sweet little spot. :)

Doozie said...

Have you been watching "how i met your mother"?

Bee said...

6 hours early means time for coffee and blogging. Is there anything else?

jill jill bo bill said...

Too CUTE!!!! Please tell me you had that on your computer and don't really have her there. The Hampton will never have you back when she eats the nightstand.

Snooty Primadona said...

So... who are the lucky caretakers of the Zanna monster? Family, I hope.

Unknown said...

Hey send some of that scholarship money to my Glittergurl. Have a great weekend!

Jackie said...

Oh, how I can relate to not having anything to say but feeling the obligation to post something!! Lately it has been quite frequent!!

Thank goodness for pictures of sweet Butch!!

Julie D said... those spots!

Anonymous said...

You travel with a dog??? That's terrific!

What a great companion Zanna must be. Or is the name Spot?

i beati said...

Too wonderful and the park pictures- The thing about your son's pictures, I can remember the earlier photos like they were yesterday, they were weren't they?? Zanna calendar girl sk