It is even more dry in Denver, a fact to which my hair can attest. I got off that plane, we secured the rental car, and ThatManILove dropped me off at my meeting. My hair had so much static electricity in it, I could have electrified 1/2 of Denver.
I went and dropped over $80 at Ulta for hair products. Until I implemented the use of said products, my hair looked like this. Okay, I’m lying. My hair didn’t even look this good. It was either SCREAMING or stuck flat to my head in no style ever seen by man, woman, or child.

My hair did so much better when we lived in the arid desert of Arizona... I can't do a thing with it here on the East Coast... humidity = flat hair for me. LOL
The Blue Ridge Gal
I say buck it as long as you can, lol.
I hate, hate, hate being told what to do and the new Stimulus Plan is ruffling my normally smooth feathers. I'll be saying *fuck it* for as long as I can. Or until they haul me off to prison or the nut house, whichever comes first.
Bad hair days are the worst! Plus I have never found a hat that I like. So I do the ol' glasses on top of my head thing. And dream of better days.
So what kind of hair care products did you buy? I'm always looking for new stuff to try...usually end up going back to Paul Mitchell, but it's time for a change (Oh no, now I sound like Obama)LOL
I just came from the hairdresser and I am enjoying the afterglow of a good blow dry. If only it would last until I see her next.
Di - usually, humidity kills my hair, too. But too dry is crazy! And I LIVE in the desert! So I don't know what's going on.
Snooty - you crack me up, girl.
Goddess - you mean my sunglasses on top of my head aren't a fashion statement? Damn.
Wunderwoman - I bought Papaya Leave-in Moisture Spray and "Serious:" Conditioner with Sunflower Seed Oil - the S Factor by TIGI (Tony & Guy) (aka as the BedHead Guys.
Belette - J'ai comprende. J'ai comprende.
Right now the humidity is around 88%, and it's not even raining that :)
I don't even waste my time on a "do" ultra straight strands "do" what they want to "do" on their own, no changing their minds...
What? Green Strands?? My fave color, might look good on you!
I love your hair.......that color is just awesome on you girl, lol.
Yeah and I agree!!!!!! Since I have an organic garden and catering business do I qualify for a big fat check or taz break??? Somehow, I doubt it. UGH and arrrgg!! Don't even get me started on that crappola.....
Steady O
Reggie Girl
Braja - the humidity does something else to my hair - but right now, I wouldn't care. We need r.a.i.n.!
WOW - I'm with ya, girl, on the straight strands.
Reggie - you like my hair? Cool! But what about that fab new body? ;)
Ya think you can sell that extra power back to the electric company?
p.s. I have some rain I can send you, bring your ark!
Janie, this won't help you now, but has some "Lifestyle" indices which include a "Frizz" index.
Right now (3/8/09 10:40 am) it says this about Denver:
"Frizz Watch = Light frizz and flyaway hair are possible for frizz-prone hair."
You can never be too careful!
TIs the static season! I use dryer sheets to rub on my hair when it's too crazy. They smell good too!
I kind of dig that gal's hair.
I live pretty close to Denver and the other day I got so irritated because the hair all over my body was sticking up. I must have put lotion on 100 times.
How is the work in your area? We are starting to slow to the point of panic. It seems everyone I know is headed for Texas.
Mine actually looks better when there's no humidity -- moisture makes about 30% of it curl -- giving me a kind of halo effect, but not really.
Enjoy Denver! (Thoughts & prayers for your brother.)
Usually when my hair is that electrified, everything I touch shocks me too. Did you have that? Because that is really fun when you go to kiss someone!
Someone told me to put a safety pin in the hem of my pants. I haven't tried it yet but I might soon because I'm having the same problem.
Brother still doing good. Denver any signs of Spring ?/Midland??You're like one of those wind -up dolls that is stuck and keeps going and going or maybe an energizer bunny!!Sandy
I just hate it when that happens.
You and your electrifying personality!!!! If your hear from big BO, tell him I need stimulating as well.
I'm losing my hair, so I'd LOVE to have mine look like that. Not getting enough nutrients or so the docs tell me.
We should spend whatever we please to help stimulate the economy! You're doing your part. :)
you have got to see my kid's hair in the morning. Whole new definition of "bed head" let me tell you
I love it when my bangs fit tight against my forehead and I have one clump at the crown of my head standing straight up like Alfalfa.
That's why I have a baseball cap that says "GRUMPY".
There is nothing worse than static hair. Nothing.
lol That's funny. I have had those hair days too. Hey if you haven't already come enter my giveaway. It'll be open until 2:00 p.m. (CST) tomorrow.
When I think of TX, I think humidity. I guess I need to rethink. That is an, uh, interesting hairdo. It might catch on if she could keep it that way after letting go of the ball.
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