Sunday was a nice morning, so we decided to let Zack run for a bit before we kenneled him up. And once again, he treed a squirrel. Is this dog an athlete, or what? These are sequential shots…and yes, he is as high in the tree as he looks. I was standing up, right by the tree, when I took these shots. Craziness.

We went to retrieve Zoie the Wonder Pup yesterday at Christoval. I can’t believe how much she’s grown! We didn’t hunt, due to two factors: rattlesnakes were about, and the intense heat. Zoie was so excited to see us, and believe me, the feeling was mutual.
We called our friends at San Angelo to see if they wanted to eat a late lunch or supper – and once again, they were on the lake and insisted we bring Zoie and hit the waves with them. So, we did. Here’s pix of Zoie’s first boat ride – she did well!

I guess she's preparing for yacht life. Yeah, right, in West Texas. Well, dogs can dream, too! We went to eat supper later, then went back to our friends’ house. They have a tiny Shitz-hu named Prissy, and Zoie just loves that dog. Zoie was trying to crouch down to her level, it was so funny. And Prissy? Well, she'd rather Zoie not all. Heh.

And of course, our friend had to try Prissy's sweaters on Zoie. Somehow, they were just a little too small. Heh. Zoie doesn't look impressed, does she?

When we arrived back at our house in Midland, Zoie ran around, sniffing everything, looking for Zack. And then, we let Zack in…and watched them play, and play, and play with each other. They were so excited to see each other. We laughed until we cried.
I can’t imagine life without the either of them.
Great pics, Janie!! Zoie has that regal Pepsi look about her!..Pepsi hates squirrels-- she will stay on point for hours under our tree, while the little buggers throw pinecones at her! Sierra is the tree climber in the family! Pepsi has always liked the boat, but we sold our cabin at Enders NE lake, and are looking to sell our boat. Too far away from water here in KS, with the price of gas!
Does anyone want to buy our boat?
Only has 135 hours--Ebbtide Campoine 198. Has never been outside uncovered overnight ( it even has a cover for the cover)!Ya have to know my husband to appreciate!
Once again--the pics a GREAT!
Keep up the great pics!
OMG! Zoie is totally humiliated by that sweater. The look on her face is priceless.
We sent our black lab to hunting school (back during the 1st boom) and he was the sweetest, best male dog we ever had. He loved hunting birds and Mr. Snooty trained him to go pick up everyone else's birds too, when they weren't looking, lol. Gawd, I loved that dog. His name was Jasper. Then, we later had two Brittany Spaniels that were excellent hunters as well.
Since we never hunt anymore, it's been so fun reading about your exploits and antics.
And Zack is a total WILD MAN DOG. I've never seen an acrobatic dog before, lol.
What great pictures...the first of Zoie on the boat is a real portrait! She's regal and such a sweetheart, as evidenced by her bowing to Prissy. And I can't believe Zack's acrobatic/athletic abilities...just, wow!!
Zack is just amazing...doesn't he know dogs aren't supposed to be able to climb trees? :)
Zoie has gotten so big!
Once again the family is all together! I'm amazed at Zoie...she's all grown up. I need to see a family portrait to gauge her size. And Zack, now buddy, you are a land creature, not a tree climbing one. I know those squit squits (as my grandfather called them) are irritating, but please, show some restraint. Mostly so you don't hurt yourself! I'm afraid the Queen would have the same reaction to Zoie's presence at our house, but bring them on! Hope to see you all soon.
Terri - I can't believe how much Zoie's changed, she's really growing up.
Snooty - can you imagine the Zacko with Felicia? OMG. That would be crazy. Except, he'd probably just want to play, LOL.
Gwynne - neither of these dogs have a mean bone in them - they're really sweet. Zoie really did want to play with Prissy, but, no!
Beth - I know, girl, sometimes that Zack dog scares me! And Zoie is big - as is evidenced when they both think they have to sleep with us. Oh, Lord.
Pam - Zack and Zoie send love and lickies to you and Mike, and a royal bow to the Queen.!
That dog is amazing! What a jumper! I wish I could jump that high!
Rach - I know, girl. That Zack is an overachiever in all he does.
Wears me out.
The new breed: German short-haired boat-sitter.
Chris - now, that is funny. **snort**
I love seeing photos of those 2 - I'm not sure which is my favourite - Zack most of the way up a tree, or Zoie reclining on a boat. That is living :)
Thisisme - I know, they both are entertaining in their own sort of way! They definitely know "how to live"!!
We are but their humble servants.
How sick is that?
no she's not a sweater girl bu love those photos of both - makes me think of my Chimo long
Thanks for the update diverticulitis is very painful ..hoping for the best there.,.sk
They are so cute and she has gotten so big. Their like kids and grow like weeds. Thanks for the ride offer to Dallas. We're suppose to go in 2 weeks so I'll make myself wait until then. But she is growing so fast these days. I hope Chan will be here some time this summer.
Sandy - thanks for your prayers, and I'm glad you like the pix! God bless.
Cat - no problema, chica. I know you miss them!!
yes, if evolution were true, dogs would have evolved to the point where they could actually climb the tree and retrieve the squirrel
Doozie - you crack me up, girl! Thanks for stopping by!
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