I finally decided to get some flowers going. My perennials are starting to bloom, and we needed some more color. (Of course, it would help if I would pull last year’s dead stalks out of the pots.) I love hibiscus, and I love Mexican heather. Orange and purple – you can’t go wrong with those pretty colors. Here are a couple of before and after pix. They're small now, but soon they'll overflow the pots.

And as usual, Zack was tons of help.

Now if I can just keep everything alive…
Speaking of alive, I drove up this evening, and what a sight I saw next door. The first five houses on my street are patio homes, with paved front yards/drives. We are some of the youngest people on our block, and enjoy great neighbors. Most of them are retired, which is great, because they watch the neighborhood like hawks.
Due to all the rain, green stuff is starting to poke out of any crack in the asphalt, etc. It seems that my neighbor two doors down was tired of the weeds in the cracks of the asphalt near the curb, and got out her trusty bottle of Roundup. She went to work on those weeds in her front drive, and continued on to the next house, killing their "greenery" as well.
Yesterday, my neighbor brought us some brownies (yup, we are spoiled!) and was telling us about how her Roundup neighbor killed all her weeds. She was very grateful, but they were giving the Roundup neighbor some grief, teasing her. The green weeds didn't look as bad as the now decidedly dead weeds. Everybody was laughing.
I'm the one laughing today, along with Ms. Roundup. Someone's
playing tricks and age seems to be no barrier!! These are plastic flowers, stuck into the cracks of the pavement.

Too funny!
Good show, plastic flower person. Perhaps they are like me...a death sentence to all plants except for cactus. I have, however, managed to keep some mint plants alive, in a container on my porch for about six weeks...new world record. The plantings you made look great, and Zack, of course, looks marvelous!
Hey, girl, I didn't do it! But I do think it's funny. I bet when they get up this morning, they're going to get a kick out of it...
Good to hear from you, Pam. When are you starting your blog?
I should have said "When are you starting up your blog again?"
The last picture is great. My middle-aged eyes deceived me initially -- I thought it was colorful umbrellas stuck in the beach!
Fun post. Love that pot, too.
What great neighbors you have. We have all ages on our block, from quite elderly to newly wed 20 somethings. It's great. Kids and dogs and cats, oh my!
I planted some flowers in a couple of pots over the weekend. My history with growing things isn't great but I keep trying.
Zack! Pretty boy.
Panhandle - I know, it was around dusk when I took the shots, so it was kind of a funky pix. But I guess a curb is kind of a beach, around here, lately anyway! :)
Karen - our neighbors are great, we love them! Hopefully my flowers will grow...otherwise I'll be ripping off my neighbors...
I've been overcome by the brilliance of your blogging to even try to blog...I have one in the works, but it may need more editing before I put it up.
oh, yeah...That would be me....dazzlingly brilliant.
Gorgeous picture of Zack!
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