ThatManILove and I booked flights to go to Dallas for the day plus an overnight stay. 8am Saturday flights. Which mean we had to be at the airport at 7 a.m. No problem, just an everyday occurrence at the Sounding Forth casa. And happened. Late Friday night, I get a call. My son just arrived home from a long trip to Arkansas. Twenty minutes later, around midnight, Elder Son walks through the door, saying, “Mom. I’m here. Will you look at my leg?”
Four plus years ago, Elder Son had a serious leg surgery that our good doctor healed with a distal realignment procedure. Sounds easy, but it’s not, by any means. We had problems upon problems - he developed blood clots, lost tons of weight, then the wound would not close because he had lost so much weight the skin wouldn’t stretch, and I could go on. One thing led to another, and it took him 4 months, home health care, and 2 subsequent surgeries before he healed up and got on with his life.
I bet you’re wondering, “Is this the same leg?”
Yes. Darnit. Dang the luck. Creepers. It’s the same leg.
ThatManILove and I and Elder Son discussed our options. Should we go to the Midland emergency room NOW? The leg is hot. Tripled in size. Hard to the touch. Should we go to the Lubbock emergency room, where Elder Son’s doctor lives and practices, so he could followup? Between the three of us, we can’t get to a firm answer.
I had a thought. I ran to get my iPhone...scrolled through the contacts...and found the good Doctor’s cell number - after all these years, I still had it. Elder Son took a picture of his leg, compared to his other leg. And then, he forwarded the picture, and a short message to his doctor. Amazingly, said doctor calls Elder Son immediately (remember, it’s after midnight!), and they formulate a plan for Elder Son to go to the emergency room during the daylight hours when the ortho doctor is on call.
By 1:30 a.m., it’s been decided that TMIL and I will go on our trip, but cut it down to a one day trip, with no overnight stay. Elder Son will go with his father to the emergency room and we’ll be back that night to check on him.
We leave for Dallas at 8am, go take care of our business, have lunch with friends, and head back to the airport. I call my son, who doesn’t answer. I call his father, and find out that his mom, my son’s grandmother, has suffered a stroke and they’re all at the emergency room. So, father and son are at the emergency room where they are supposed to be, but for all the wrong reasons...
We miss our direct flight, and have to fly....from Dallas to Albuquerque, and then to Midland. Yeah. We flew over our town, just to come back 2 hours later.
We fly into Midland, and head straight to the hospital to be with Elder Son, his dad, aunt, and cousin. When we arrive, Nanny has been stabilized to the point that she can be moved into ICU. We all gather in the waiting room, and then, 2 by 2, get to go into her room to see her. She’s awake, and communicating...I’m grateful. We love this woman!
ThatManILove and I head home, hug the WonderDogs, and hit the sack.
Today will find us at the emergency room, working on Elder Son’s leg. We covet your prayers, for healing for both Elder Son, and his Nanny.
It’s never boring around here.
Sunday evening update: The ER Doc drained 120cc (for some reason, that is all he would drain) of fluid from Elder Son's knee; the Doc doesn't think his knee is infected. Nanny seems to be coming around and reports have her sitting up eating a meal this afternoon. Thanks for your prayers!